Monday, January 29, 2007

I Can't Believe It!

Wow, my very first post! I am ecstatic to enter this blogging chapter of my life- it's very technological of me! I am usually behind on acquiring the cool new technological devices or learning how to manage computer programs. I don't even have an iPod yet! I guess I get it from my mother who still doesn't recognize when her cell phone is ringing and thinks text messaging is called "mext messaging." After I reminded her the other day about what blogging is and told her I was going to begin my own site to do so, she warned me not fill it up with celebrity gossip and other nonsense. I assured her that this isn't that type of blog and I have no interest in writing about anything other than public relations ;). Anyways, this really is exciting for me and I cannot wait to quickly add useful information, insight and graphics onto my site, especially since the extent of my progress is a poorly uploaded picture. This class will certainly post as a challenge for me, but I can't wait to begin. I am fully aware of how significant blogs are becoming to the evolution of superior communications and public relations.

1 comment:

College Bloggers said...

Okay, you're on your way. Make sure to polish and edit your copy before posting. Looks good!